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November 27, 2017 5 min read

First Month: My 6 favourite products

We're one month into life as a family of four. Life is crazy, and busy, and wonderful, and I can't quite remember what it was like before. Of course, I'm loving soaking up all those newborn baby cuddles, and it's really sweet to see how much our four-year-old daughter loves her new baby sister.

I've enjoyed testing the products that we sell at Global Baby with my new baby. I've got some definite favourites, and some products that I've found uses for that I hadn't thought of before. Here's my list of must-haves for the first month.


1. Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump

This pump has been around for a couple of years, so of course, I knew that it was easy to use, transportable, silent, and cheap. I've always recommended to customers that they use it on the opposite side when they're breastfeeding so that they collect milk while they have the let-down. 

One thing I didn't know is that the pump is totally amazing when your milk comes in and your boobs are ginormous and engorged.

(Note for first time mums- the first couple of days your body will produce colostrum, then when your baby is around 2-5 days old your milk 'comes in'. Your breasts are big, sore, and firm, like two rocks on your chest).

I saw someone on a breastfeeding Facebook page recommending the haakaa pump for engorged breasts, so we drove down to Global Baby to get one. OMG, the relief!! You can use the pump in the shower; the heat will help to get the milk flowing, and you can gently massage out the lumps. You don't need to hold the pump while you're showering; it works on suction so it's completely hands-free! You wouldn't believe that the pump stays on there with all the water and steam, but it does! Freeze the milk you collect and you'll be adding to your stash without even trying!

 maxi cosi igo adapters

2. Maxi-Cosi Adapters for Mutsy Igo

I didn't have these adapters for my first baby; I just carried the capsule everywhere. This time I'm lazy/tired/weak/have a big kid to look after so I'm really enjoying the convenience of being able to clip my capsule straight from the car into the frame of the pram. 

 Global Baby 100% Cotton Washable Breast Pads

3. Global Baby 100% Cotton Washable Breast Pads

People had told me that these breast pads were good; there are great reviews from customers on our website, and I've even seen people recommending them in facebook groups, but I wasn't sure if they'd be right for me.

Last time I found all but one brand of the disposable ones really itchy and irritating, but there's no way I could leave the house without using them. I wasn't sure that the cotton ones would be right for me, but I was so pleasantly surprised! They're super soft, absorbent, easy to wash, and quick to dry. I'll never go back to the disposables and I totally recommend these ones!


4. Eco Sprout Vintage 100% Merino Blanket

This blanket is super soft, luxurious, and warm. It looks beautiful too! Not too big or too small, we use it folded in half to keep baby warm when we're out and about in the car seat or pram. We use it on her bassinet at night, and as I type this, baby is asleep on hubby's chest with the blanket draped over her. This blanket makes a sweet baby gift, and comes boxed.  

5. Chekoh Original Wrap

This wrap is so good! With my first child, I never had the confidence to use a wrap like this; I thought that they looked too difficult and a bit scary. I would leave them to the more experienced mums! Then a supplier at Global Baby showed me a simple wrapping technique and I couldn't wait to use one with my next baby.

We started using the Chekoh wrap with our new baby when she was just one day old! OK, I got my husband to use it at the start because my body was so sore from pregnancy, and I was just happy to not have the baby attached to me anymore. But after a few days, I started using it myself as well.

I use it during the day when baby is ready for a sleep but is resisting sleep, when we walk to daycare with my big girl in the stroller, and I use it if baby wants to be held but I need to prepare dinner*. I use it when we're out and about, I even use it while I do my make-up. Here's a link to a video I did demonstrating how to use the wrap. See, it's not difficult at all!

* note- you're not supposed to cook dinner when you're babywearing. It's a bit dangerous, so it's salad on the menu for those babywearing nights.


6. Oohbubs Legs Out Swaddle

I designed this swaddle after I struggled to swaddle my last baby through the summer heat. I wanted a swaddle to be lightweight, with the baby's legs free from the swaddle, the arms up, and without any zips. After lots of prototypes, I came up with the Legs Out Swaddle, but my own baby wasn't a baby anymore by the time I'd finished the design. I had to test it out on other babies, so I was pretty excited to try the swaddle on my new baby! 

Because it's not that hot yet, I've been layering the swaddle over merino. I've found so many things that I like about it; easy to put on and take off, it allows baby to sleep with her arms up (which I think it more natural) and is easy for nappy changes. It's also easy to free the arms, so I feed the baby with her arms out (I'm not a fan of swaddling while feeding). I then snap the swaddle into place with the domes at the shoulders, and put baby to sleep in her bassinet. I also free the arms when we travel in the car (it's recommended that babies aren't swaddled in their car seats), then I'll snap the swaddle back together at the shoulders when I transfer baby to her bassinet.


Thanks for reading this through. I think that caring for a newborn baby really is the most wonderful thing, I get so much enjoyment out of looking after her. It's not all about the products that you use, of course, though they can make life easier!! If you're about to have a baby, I hope that this article helps you a little. I also hope that you enjoy caring for your baby just as much as I do!


xx Anita



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