FREE NZ SHIPPING on orders over $150
FREE NZ SHIPPING on orders over $150
April 20, 2020 1 min read
We hope the lockdown has been going ok for everyone!
We've been enjoying plenty of Netflix and Instagram, but we've also been using some of the time to upskill ourselves, with online courses and zoom meetings with our suppliers to really get in-depth knowledge of their range.
There's one course that we'd wholeheartedly recommend for parents and caregivers.
It's a free mini-course about safe car seat use that our friend Danny from SitTight Child Restraint Education & Training has created, and it'll take you through:
- NZ Law
- Restraint Types for a Newborn
- Why Rear-Facing is Important
The course comprises of five short videos, and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete. We think you'll find it so helpful that we're giving away a $100 Global Baby voucher to one lucky person who completes the course before Monday the 4th of May. Click on the link below to do the free course and enter the draw.
SitTight Car Seat Education - Mini Course
Meanwhile, we will be shipping #essentials on Monday, we have managed to restock some of our essentials this week. The word from Crywolf is that there will be no more gumboot deliveries this season, so if you wanted a pair of those get in quick!
Global Baby Team
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